You have accessed the BFTO “Donate” page.
Your contribution today will allow us to continue the humanitarian work we started years ago. All funds collected are exclusively allocated to the various programs described below:
Click on the Donate button to make a donation or, if you would rather send a check, make it payable to BFTO and mail to our P.O. BOX in Contact Us.
Donations may be tax deductible.
$150.00 per year.
Many of our supporters have sponsored one or more children through this special program. The financial support they provide currently pays for lunch, tuition, uniforms and school supplies for seventy needy kids. We encourage you to join in and help to create brighter futures in Thomazeau, Haiti.
Please contact us for more info or to sign in to the program.
So many people are deserving of our acknowledgement and prayers. In big and small ways they sustain our fight against illiteracy, poverty and disease in Haiti. They contribute their hard-earned money to uplift the less fortunate amongst us; they have placed their trust in our Executive Board as manager of their collective funds. We recognize all our donors, sponsors and volunteers who share our burden and help finance our programs in Thomazeau. We owe you a debt of gratitude for your unselfish and generous donations on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. We sincerely hope that you will continue to support our efforts to alleviate the pain and suffering that is part of their everyday lives. We invite those who are just learning about our organization to join in; become our partners. There is no greater satisfaction for anyone than to know that you are making a difference in the lives of those who cannot help themselves. Through humanitarian involvement and action, you give meaning to life while improving the well-being of so many. On behalf of the children of Thomazeau and our Executive Board, THANK YOU in a very special way.
Anssie Blot, BFTO President